Monday, 28 November 2011

One Biigggg Mountain!

From where I left off a lot has happened, after I found out that the leaders of The Companions were all actually werewolves... then I began to wonder if they would turn me into one as well, and I thought that the only way to find out was to carry on through The Companions quests. I went to one of their men and he gave me the quest of rescuing a member of Whiterun's civilians, little did I know that I was getting a surprise. I left Whiterun and instead of fast travelling I decided to run to my destination, on the way a dragon attacked me (which I was happy about), I thought since I've killed one then "I guess I can kill this one" and started attacking it but it was flying around everywhere spraying fire in the completely wrong places, it turned out that it was attacking a wolf, then a Sabre Cat, and then a band of giants and mammoths. Due to the fact I couldn't attack as strongly as a giant can.. the giant got the kill and I thought this meant I cant take the dragons soul..... WRONG!... I walked up to its body and got its soul, and used it to unlock fire breath which was a very good shout in my opinion, I also killed a giant and a mammoth (but they were only killed because they couldn't get to me, otherwise I would have certainly been destroyed). I headed to my Companions quest and I was greeted by some vampires that were holding my villager friend captive, I killed them and escorted him back home, I finally went back to Whiterun to tell The Companions of my deed. By now I thought it was time to go to the Greybeards. The hike wasn't actually as dangerous as I thought it would be, everything I thought was an enemy turned out to be a pilgrim or a hunter, although the trip its self was quite long, but eventually I reached the entrance to the Greybeards temple and almost instantly got taught 2 new words of power, I quite liked my stay with the Greybeards but they gave me a quest which I have yet to start, so I'm back on the roads of Skyrim.
Another post will be coming soon, so stay loyal to the Skyrim Community. Thank You for reading

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