Friday, 6 January 2012

Bulgor Gro Shorok: Part 3

From where I left off I was starting the quest "A Cornered Rat", I was in the Ragged Flagon and asked the bartender where I might find Esbern, he didn't know anyone called Esbern but my best bet was a crazy old man that some "dangerous looking elves" were hunting, I instantly knew the Thalmor were ahead of me so I went deeper into the Ratway to get to Esbern before my enemies did. As soon as I stepped into the Ratway I saw the Thalmor Wizard leading at least two soldiers, I drew my bow and took a shot at one them but it didn't kill him, by now they were alerted to my position and within moments the snobbish Thalmor Wizard was in front of me casting shock spells, I used my Thu'um Unrelenting Force to send him hurdling down three floors till he landed at the bottom of the sewers dead from the fall. The other two soldiers were easy to kill with my greatsword, I then moved down into even deeper parts of the Ratway, I could hear some insane woman shouting "they'll never find me" and then followed that sentence with a manic laugh, there was also a man who seemed to want to eat me, warning me to "not get any closer" and that he wants to take bites out of me (this was the first time I used a console command, and I used it to lock the cell that he was already in with an apprentice difficulty lock, muhahaha). One of the doors was Esbern's and there seemed to be a huge bug with the story line, I tried to open the door and he opened a small shutter to talk to me but the dialogue was all messed up and I ended up having to use another console command to actually proceed with the main story, eventually I had to take him to Delphine in Riverwood. When we arrived at Riverwood there were two dragons and thief (which I didn't need since I already had the trouble of a messed up NPC) I managed to kill the two dragons and then walked up to the scared thief and killed him too. After all the commotion I entered the Sleeping Giant Inn to carry on with the quest but again Esbern bugged out and didn't speak, yet I still got the new quest called "Alduin's Wall". Because I had got slightly annoyed with how much the story line was bugged I decided to head over to Windhelm to join the Stormcloaks (I would have preferred to join the Imperials since I'm an Orc but I've never been with the Stormcloaks).
And that's where I'm up to so far, another post will be coming soon (a lot sooner than this one did) so please become a member. Thank you for reading.

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